
Secret Foreign Prisons. Oh My!

While some may find this old news, it is a topic I have been thinking a lot about. Lets get this out in the open. I voted for W. Twice! I wish I had had better choices but I didn't and so the die has been cast. Now on to the topic.

Is anyone surprised that this country has secret prisons designed to hold those we deem worldly criminal? I don't! I expect it! Angry would be disappointed if this glorious home of the free didn't collect those foreign criminals and keep them from doing bad. Are we so naive to think this Country would wait for a terrorist attack to implement these foreign prisons? Please. What does the CIA do? Sell Girl Scout cookies? Attend church functions? Collect for the poor? Come on. They do the will of this Country in foreign lands as needed. Hey you... Wake up! This country does things that are not 'nice' because we need to extend our shiv of freedom.


Blogger garbage goat said...

We the staff of dailyshiv.blogspot.com are going to have to insist that your "thedailyshiv" cease and desist in its publications as some of our readers have confused the two blogsites...and because yours isn't any good.

The Garbage Goat
The Mediocre Samaritan
The Voice of the People

2:43 PM  

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