
Memorial Day Bliss

Angry has gotten wind of some folks who desire to express their inalienable right as an American. While Angry agrees that the rights of all trump the rights of the few, Angry thinks some discretion is in order. Some will try and protest the war in Iraq by marching on their respective Capitals without thinking of those who have lost. You may feel or even believe that this is the right thing to do. On any other day, Angry would agree with you.

Memorial day by its name is just that. Don't cloud the honor of our fallen troops with what you believe is a political statement against our President and his paternally avenging war.

Do the right thing and remember our fallen troops. Fly the Flag of the United States. Say a prayer and remember that this day is much bigger than the war in Iraq.


Up in Smoke

Another day of freedom passes with another Soldier's death. How many people must die before the Wimp has been avenged? How much is enough?

I've had enough!


YuleTide Shiv

Angry was asked to stop blogging with the address "thedailyshiv" today ( See below). This makes Angry... well... angry! I thought about changing the address. So much so that I decided to visit the garbage_goat's site and see if he delivered the shiv.

Disappointing at best. Long winded too. You have completely ripped me off. The name, the address, the color scheme for God's sake. Do you have a creative hair on your head? Garbage_goat or Samaritan of mediocrity or whatever the hell you call yourself; look at the dates and you will see that "thedailyshiv.blogspot.com" was here in April of 2006 while you nancied in here in what; June, July? I hate to resort to petty, "I was here first" but you leave me no choice. Maybe you could cut and paste your address so as not to confuse your "readers".

Piss off!

We the staff of dailyshiv.blogspot.com are going to have to insist that your "thedailyshiv" cease and desist in its publications as some of our readers have confused the two blogsites...and because yours isn't any good.

The Garbage Goat
The Mediocre Samaritan
The Voice of the People


Secret Foreign Prisons. Oh My!

While some may find this old news, it is a topic I have been thinking a lot about. Lets get this out in the open. I voted for W. Twice! I wish I had had better choices but I didn't and so the die has been cast. Now on to the topic.

Is anyone surprised that this country has secret prisons designed to hold those we deem worldly criminal? I don't! I expect it! Angry would be disappointed if this glorious home of the free didn't collect those foreign criminals and keep them from doing bad. Are we so naive to think this Country would wait for a terrorist attack to implement these foreign prisons? Please. What does the CIA do? Sell Girl Scout cookies? Attend church functions? Collect for the poor? Come on. They do the will of this Country in foreign lands as needed. Hey you... Wake up! This country does things that are not 'nice' because we need to extend our shiv of freedom.


I Got Nothing To Say


Rectum.... Damn near killed um!

Shit. Another day. Gas prices are climbing. Traffic is getting heavier. Assholes are passing me on the right so that they can gain access before the right lane ends. This of course is why I haven’t moved in five minutes. I watch the male self-absorbed phallicly-challenged prick and the ice-queen female counterpart think their time is more valuable than mine. Would they jump in front of you in the movie line? Risk physical retribution? A punch in the throat? Probably not! Wimps! I have spent many a morning and evening positioning myself to make sure these shallow assholes don’t get ahead of me. Frankly I am losing patience and fantasizing about quickly pulling my car into their lane just as the last second of avoidance has passed. This would launch their over-sized SUVs over my car and down the ditch in a fantastic ball of flames. I can see their Bojangles’ sausage and fried chicken biscuit helping to fuel the flames. How sweet it is…


Immigration Fair

The struggle for rights and equality continues for Americas illegal immigrants. Massachusetts’s own, Teddy Kennedy, likened the struggle of America’s illegal immigrants to the struggle faced by black Americans half a century ago. The distinguished Senator failed to realize the difference between upstanding American citizens and those who obtained a place in this great nation illegally. It is not clear how many votes Teddy would get should amnesty for some 12 million illegal immigrants be granted.